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民政事务总署 大学Ombuds

We provide faculty, staff and graduate students with an informal, 保密, 中立和独立的资源,以解决关切或问题公开,而不必担心报复或判断.


It provides University staff, 教师和研究生在正规机构渠道之外有一个可以去的地方, such as 人力资源, the Office of Equal Opportunity Inclusion and Resolution Services, the Office of University Counsel or Risk Management, 公开地解决与工作有关的问题,而不必担心遭到报复或评判.

Differences from Formal Offices

大学监察员办公室不同于其他正式办公室, such as the Office of 人力资源, the Office of Equal Opportunity Inclusion and Resolution Services, the Office of University Counsel, or Risk Management—in that those offices can investigate situations, leverage decisions and enforce and set policies. 也, 正式的办公室, such as 人力资源, 提供非正式的谈话和调解,但讨论可能不被视为机密.

虽然监察专员无权对投诉采取正式行动, 监察员可以为来访者提供相关信息或帮助他们确定可用的正式选择,以便解决问题.

Neil Powless standing in front of the Hall of Languages.


Neal Powless G’08 serves as the University ombuds. 鲍尔斯是博士.D. candidate in the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications. 他在拿撒勒学院获得心理学学士学位,在雪城大学获得咨询硕士学位. A National Certified Counselor, 鲍里斯之前曾担任多元文化事务办公室土著学生项目的助理主任和职业服务中心的职业顾问.

Four Core Principles


在法律允许的范围内,所有通信和询问均为保密. 该办公室不会透露来访者的身份或谈话内容.



Impartiality and Neutrality

Ombuds staff are neutral, 公正的, third-party resources for University employees and graduate students. 他们不支持或反对任何个人、事业或立场.


The office provides informal assistance only. It cannot initiate formal investigations, proceedings or disciplinary processes, nor can it adjudicate cases or change/set aside any rule, policy or administrative decision. 它的目的是补充——而不是重复——现有的申诉程序.

Example Situations

  • 对特定的大学流程或政策的困惑
  • 与导师、教授或团队在工作或沟通上有困难
  • Navigating a possible ethical dilemma
  • Seeking guidance on having difficult conversations
  • Finding out about formal processes to resolve problems
  • Accessing other University resources
  • Dealing with a specific conflict with a colleague or fellow student
  • 需要解决直接下属或班上学生的表现问题

Example Ombuds Responses

  • Listen carefully and without judgment to concerns
  • Explain University policies and procedures
  • 帮助员工和研究生探索和评估如何进行的选择
  • 向员工和研究生推荐合适的大学资源
  • 指导员工和研究生学习有效的沟通策略和其他减少和解决人际冲突的方法
  • 在适当的情况下,参与促进对话或冲突管理

信息 Undergraduate Students

我们鼓励本科生继续利用大学现有的各种正式和非正式程序和服务.g., the Office of Student Assistance, the Counseling Center, 亨德瑞教堂, 卫生服务, the Office of Equal Opportunity, 包容和解决服务)来处理和解决问题,否则这些问题可能会由ombud为员工或研究生处理.

Frequently Asked Questions

Taken from the Swedish word Ombudsman, which roughly translates to “representative,“监察员为教师提供公平公正的服务和指导, staff and graduate students. An Ombuds is often known as an “ear to the people.”

The University ombuds provides an informal, 保密, 中立和独立的资源,可以公开地表达自己的担忧或问题,而不必担心遭到经理或同事的报复或评判.

The University ombuds offers the following:

  • A safe place to help faculty, 员工和研究生的事情,影响他们的个人经历, including employment concerns, ethical issues and interpersonal disputes
  • Guidance with University policies and procedures
  • A range of options for each visitor, which may include simply listening, communication techniques, reframing concerns, 共同制定方案,并向其他办公室或资源推荐
  • 向个别办公室和单位提供讲习班和演讲,以突出解决冲突的技巧

监察员可以采取任何措施负责任地处理人们提出的关切, including the following means:

  • 对员工和研究生进行培训,让他们了解减少和解决人际冲突的有效方法
  • 将员工和研究生介绍到大学其他办公室或服务部门
  • 指导个人书面和面对面的沟通技巧
  • Explaining or clarifying University policies
  • Assisting individuals in identifying personal goals
  • Engaging in facilitated conversations or conflict resolution

大学监察员不会与大学教师分享任何机密谈话的信息, staff or graduate students, unless there is an “imminent risk of harm.“监察局没有任何澳门线上赌场机密谈话的永久记录.

的ombuds, who communicates directly with the Chancellor, 向财政大臣提供机密的一般报告,以确定趋势, 倡导在需要的领域进行系统性的变革,分享校园的脉搏.


电子邮件 ombuds@technestng.com 或打电话 315.443.1087 to request a 保密 appointment. Do not include any 保密 information in your email.


韦弗利大街111号. 001套房

如果你发邮件, please include only your meeting request; do not include any 保密 information in your email. 您特别关注的细节将在您的保密预约中讨论.

ombuds可以在营业时间和晚上安排面对面和电话预约,以适应大学教师的各种工作和课程安排, staff and graduate students. Appointments can also be scheduled at other locations off campus.