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化学 B.S.

研究分析, 生物, 无机, 有机化学和物理化学课程, 研讨会和实验室式课程. Choose from four chemistry degree programs based on your unique interests.
A person wearing a lab coat and safety glasses holding a lab dish
Quyen Pham ’25 stepped into a Syracuse chemistry lab as a high school 学生 pursuing a summer internship, 巩固了她对这个领域的兴趣. “这里有很多机会. I can study abroad and participate in different labs," she says.


  • Customize your curriculum by choosing to pursue either a B.A. 或B.S. 在化学 and selecting a specialized track, including ones 在药物化学中 and 生物 chemistry.
  • Make social connections by participating in first-year orientation events specifically for chemistry majors.
  • 学习 from your peers and pursue special professional development opportunities by joining Syracuse’s 学生 chapter of the American Chemical Society and/or Alpha Chi Sigma, a professional chemistry society for undergraduate 学生s.
  • 使用尖端, research-grade instrumentation in both freshman-level and upper division lab courses.
  • 学习 about the latest advances 在化学 via weekly seminars with visiting professors from around the world.
  • Contribute to important chemical research by joining one of our faculty’s research groups as early as your first year.
  • Present your research findings at national or regional chemistry meetings, 发表你的研究, 追求国家和地区荣誉.
  • Receive special distinction that is given to 学生s who maintain a strong GPA, conduct research and write a thesis during their senior year.
  • 为就业市场做好准备, 研究生院或医学院, joining recent graduates who are working at Pfizer, 默克公司, 现代化, Regeneron, 施乐公司, and Estee Lauder or continuing their education at Cornell, 杜克大学, 哈佛大学, 北卡罗来纳大学, 塔夫茨大学, 耶鲁大学和, 当然, 澳门线上赌场.












文理学院(A&S) is 澳门线上赌场’s first and largest college. 作为文科的发源地, our internationally recognized programs provide the cornerstone of a 澳门线上赌场 education with 50+ majors in the natural sciences and mathematics, the humanities and the social sciences (in partnership with the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs).


B的课程作业.S. 在化学 includes a focus on laboratory experience and research, and is designed to prepare 学生s for advanced degrees 在化学 and other sciences and for careers in the health-related professions.

  • Develop quantitative and qualitative problem solving skills in core disciplines of chemistry.
  • Develop accurate and safe laboratory techniques, recognize hazards and wastes and disseminate results.
  • Train on modern instrumentation, interpret results, analyze data.
  • Communicate effectively, work in small groups and perform database literature reviews.
  • 使用道德行为设计实验.
  • 了解化学对社会的影响.

追求B的决定.A. 或B.S. 在化学 depends mostly on the careers you’re considering. 如果你考虑从医,那就得B.S. 学位是一个不错的选择. 有两种选择:1)B.S. 在化学, an American Chemical Society-approved program, the most versatile degree for 学生s looking to work in a range of industries or pursue graduate degrees; 2) B.S. 在药物化学中, ideal for 学生s pursuing professional degrees or careers in biotech, 政府或医药.

If you're considering double majoring or just want a 更多的 general education 在化学, then the B.A. 化学很适合你. 必修课更少, you’ll have 更多的 time to explore chemistry course offerings alongside courses in other academic areas. 作为B.A. 学生, you'll choose between the chemistry or 生物 chemistry track options, 根据你的兴趣.

  • 有机化学实验室
  • 法医化学分析
  • 癌症生物学
  • 蛋白质与核酸实验室
  • 微积分我




The 澳门线上赌场 美国化学学会学生分会 helps foster relationships between chemistry majors, minors and faculty and promotes 阀杆 education within our community. The chapter frequently volunteers at the Museum of Science and Technology, 男孩女孩俱乐部等等.



The Department of 化学 is located in the 科学技术中心 on the eastern edge of campus. Laboratories are equipped with state-of-the-art instrumentation, including an isothermal titration calorimeter, NMR and X-ray crystallography facilities and ultrafast laser laboratory.



The 丽贝卡·李学前健康协会—named after Rebecca Lee Crumpler, the first African American woman in the US to earn an MD—is a 学生 organization that promotes and encourages a diverse group of pre-health 学生s to attend professional health schools, 包括医药方面的, 医师助理, 物理治疗, 公共卫生, 药房和其他健康职业. Students from all majors are welcome to join this organization.


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