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金融 B.S.

金融 is an exciting global and dynamic discipline that offers a unique blend of theory and practical applications.
Students discuss a PowerPoint presentation.


  • Display competence in the functional areas of business and their interdependencies.
  • Employ logical, analytical and technological skills in decision making.
  • Develop organizational strategies taking into account internal and external factors.
  • Communicate and interact with others in a professional manner.
  • Demonstrate exemplary personal and professional behaviors and apply knowledge in a selected area of study.
  • Be aware of and engage in a diverse and global society.
  • Understand a corporation’s financing choices and decisions.
  • Be able to value securities and combine them into optimal portfolios that maximize return while controlling for risk.











马丁J. 惠特曼管理学院

雪城大学的马丁. 惠特曼管理学院 combines the resources of a large university with small class sizes and highly individualized attention to offer students the best possible learning experience. Students study under the leadership of exceptional faculty members who are highly esteemed world-class scholars and researchers. 一个多样化的, 协作的社区, 网上和校内都有, the Whitman School provides students with an education that prepares them to become leaders in today’s global business environment.


The understanding of finance is an integral component of decision-making in all areas and levels of management. 为学习金融做准备, students should pay special attention to economics, 会计和定量方法. Offerings include courses in financial management, 投资, 固定收益证券, 国际金融, 痛苦投资, 以及财务分析.




The Ballentine投资学院 was established in 1992 by an endowment from Whitman alumnus Steve Ballentine '83. The Ballentine投资学院 offers sophisticated tools used by investment professionals to support learning, 研究及专业发展. With a mission to offer an unparalleled investment education, the Ballentine投资学院 provides access to state-of-the-art capabilities and programs to help prepare you for a career in finance. Students can achieve the Bloomberg certification through Equity and Fixed Income training modules.



The 澳门线上赌场 投资俱乐部 is an interactive, team-oriented experience focused on mentoring and guiding its members from their first year of college to their first year on the job. The club challenges its members to ask the right questions when analyzing an industry, such as “How are these companies able to maintain a profit?或者“是什么让他们成功的??” We provide a blend of informative lectures, captivating speakers and hands-on learning opportunities.


Goodman IMPRESS项目

The Goodman IMPRESS Program is designed to provide all Whitman undergraduates with the skills and experiences employers seek, 包括领导, 通信, 认证, global context and industry exploration. All incoming students are placed in one of four “houses.“在这些房子里, they experience healthy competition as they develop their extracurricular skills under the direction of four committed and excellent house masters who teach the introductory business course and serve as their first faculty mentor, along with outstanding sopho更多的 and junior peer facilitators.



The 橙值基金 is a selective program where students help manage a multimillion dollar hedge fund. The two-year program combines rigorous academic training, 安全和业务分析, portfolio management and career components that enable students in the program to acquire the necessary skills to seamlessly work in either investment banking, 股票研究或资产管理. Students in the program take specific finance classes together, conduct research on potential 投资, 撰写专业研究报告, 与投资专业人士建立联系, contribute investable ideas and manage the fund portfolio.


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