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哲学 B.A.

学习观点和论点, pursue fundamental truths and seek a comprehensive understanding of the world. Develop analytical and communication skills that are important in many careers.
哲学 professor Luvell Anderson
哲学 professor Luvell Anderson is writing a book on the philosophy of race and racism. Through his courses and mentorship, students explore the 语言哲学 and humor.


  • Find a home within Syracuse’s Department of 哲学, among faculty from a range of backgrounds with expertise in fields like ethics, 形而上学, 心灵哲学, 语言哲学, philosophy of race and the history of philosophy.
  • 学习 from visiting scholars who address such topics as human cloning, 战争的伦理, the relevance of evolutionary biology to morality, and the deep connections between philosophy and diverse fields like psychology, 经济学, computer science and political science.
  • Conduct research and submit your work to undergraduate journals and conferences.
  • 加入哲学俱乐部, a student-led group that meets for informal discussion, 客座讲座和电影之夜.
  • Compete for the Peterfreund奖, a $1,000 award recognizing juniors and seniors for their exceptional philosophical achievements.
  • Prepare for a career in a variety of fields, 包括法律, 业务, 新闻, 非营利工作和政府.
  • 哲学是理想的 为法学院做准备 and has been shown to help students perform well on standardized tests like the LSAT, GMAT and GRE.









Exterior of Hall of languages building


The 文理学院 (A&S) is 澳门线上赌场’s first and largest college. As the home of the liberal arts, our internationally recognized programs provide the cornerstone of a 澳门线上赌场 education with 50+ majors in the natural sciences and mathematics, the humanities and the social sciences (in partnership with the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs).


All philosophy students complete coursework in logic. Choose from course options in each of three key areas within the broader field of philosophy: history of philosophy; 形而上学, 认识论, 心, language and logic; and value theory. 在毕业前, you’ll complete a required capstone course in which you synthesize your skills in philosophical research, 写作及口头陈述.

  • Explain core philosophical concepts and theories and their historical development.
  • Critically evaluate philosophical theories and arguments.
  • Write clearly and concisely, effectively organizing your writing.
  • Conduct independent research on a philosophical topic by finding, assessing and employing relevant 文学.

  • 伦理史
  • Introduction to the 哲学 of Science
  • 法哲学
  • Ancient Greek and Roman 哲学
  • 黑格尔,马克思和尼采




The 哲学俱乐部 aims to take philosophy out of the classroom by hosting informal discussions, 客座演讲, 电影之夜, philosophy cafes (thought experiments and games with coffee and cookies), professional development workshops and 更多的. Topics are based on club members’ personal interests, and membership is open to students from all majors.



The 《澳门线上赌场》 at Syracuse helps pre-law students expand, improve and publish their research. Topics have included politics, public policy, law, philosophy and 经济学. 除了, the organization features an online blog/journal, a printed edition and a podcast service.



澳门线上赌场 juniors and seniors are eligible for nomination for the undergraduate Peterfreund奖. 这1美元,000 award recognizes keen interest in philosophical questions and outstanding work in philosophy courses.


Read about current student research in (from the Latin for "orange"), our in-house undergraduate philosophy journal.


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